An Archdemon's Dilemma Episode 1 Review - How to Love Your Elf Bride!"

An Archdemon’s Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride – Episode 1

What’s it about? 

In a world of sword and Magic resides zagon a fearsome Mage renowned for his body strengthening magic. Someone skilled in magic yet inept with interpersonal relationships, viewing them as more trouble than they're worth.

Japanese: 魔王の俺が奴隷エルフを嫁にしたんだが、どう愛でればいい?

Synonyms: I, the Demon Lord, Took a Slave Elf as My Wife, but How Do I Love Her?, Madome

Aired: Apr 5, 2024 to ?

Premiered: Spring 2024

Duration: 23m

Status: Currently Airing

MAL Score: ?

Genres: Action, Fantasy,Romance!

Studios: Brain's Base

Producers: Kanon Sound.

 An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride  Episode 1 Explaination!

  • One day an acquaintance of his name barbaros tells him about an upcoming auction where the late Demon Lord marchoza's items are being sold to the highest bidder consequently they end up going there together there the first item displayed is an enslaved beautiful Elven girl seeing her for the first time the Fearsome Mage immediately falls in love and before the bidding starts he decides to buy her in exchange for a mountain of gold coins.

  •  Now having possession over her zag and bring back the self mephy back to his castle and this marks the starting of their lives together the Story begins in a medieval castle where a dangerous looking man is seen sitting on the throne there he is intently staring at a beautiful young elf girl suddenly the girl speaks up and asks her captor how he plans to kill her.

  • However this question catches the Man by surprise he is unsure how to answer in this situation as he never even planned to kill the elf in the first place rather he has become Bewitched by her beauty and fallen in love with this elf this tale began earlier that morning a girl is being attacked by her comrade Mayas but in reality it is not may as at all rather it is a magician with corroded skin disguised as her companion as he approaches the girl he reassures her that he will not disgrace her and tells her not to worry for magicians like him a virgin girl is a valuable ingredient.

  • Hearing this the girl is terrified and tries to escape but the evil magician is right on her tail all of a sudden however the man sitting on the throne appears behind them and lifts the magician with his bare hands he questions what this lowlife is doing on his territory and why he is causing a ruckus hearing this the magician becomes distraught and asks for forgiveness claiming that if his life is spared he will share the results of his research but this man has no interesting magic.

  •  which involves human sacrifice and kills the Intruder right then and there without hesitation moreover he also plans to teleport the girl who is now unconscious outside what his magic spells begin to act up although perplexed at first the man now named zagan figures out that this must be the doing of his acquaintance barbaros who appears in front of him bearing some interesting news this Peaks zagan's curiosity and he continues to listen learning that after the recent demise of the Demon King marchoz his entire treasure is being auctioned off at the kyanoid city and so they both decided to go to the auction together and make their way over soon after they reached their destination which happens to be an arena packed to the brim with people looking to buy the Demon King's Goods.

  • Eventually the auction begins and the first item is brought out a legendary species known as an elf upon seeing her for the first time zagen immediately Falls head over heels for her and decides to purchase her at an astonishing amount of money specifically one million gold coins and that brings us back to the start where the elf claims that she can prepare herself mentally if she knows how she will die however Sagan announces that he isn't going to kill her instead he would prefer her to remain alive there the elf introduces herself as neferia moreover she reveals that she is a cursed child regardless zagen is already in love with her and wants to spend his life with her.

  • As such he offers her a room and explains that he will not harm or experiment on her and so this marks the start of their lives together anyway for neferia who now goes by the nickname Nephi zagen decides to allocate a room that he rarely uses however throughout their journey to this room Nephi is acting like her usual suicidal self suddenly as they climb the stairs to reach their destination nephew slips and begins to fall but zagen saves her and then continues the rest of the way while holding her hand making him feel embarrassed eventually they reach the room and Sagan opens the door not remembering that he had used this place as storage for his torture devices seeing this Nephi is terrified but accepts what is coming to her prepared to be tortured.

  • But zagan has no such intentions in fact he decides to dispose of these old items and destroys them using offensive magic which again makes nephe shiver in fear moreover this leaves the room in Ruins however this room has a balcony from which she can see the moon shining brightly as such she decides to pick this room for herself zagin asks if this place was really alright but she replies that it's fine because her master had prepared it for her consequently zagan also agrees and nephew thanks him but this catches him off guard he expresses how it has been a long time since he has heard words of gratitude from someone else hearing this Nephi also States.

  •  How long it has been since she has used such words of gratitude and so after this incident.the next morning arrives but zagan hasn't been able to sleep a wink thanks to Nephi who is sleeping in the throne room due to the current state of her room as such zagen decides to bring food for both of them and they eat together once she wakes up but nephew explains that the food he has brought is actually animal feed unfit for human consumption and usually only given to Slaves Sagan not knowing what is considered normal since he used to eat like this when he was abandoned thinks about it when nephe asks if you would be all right if she cooks excited for the chance to eat nephe's homemade food zagen takes Nephi and they head to buy ingredients.

  •  However zagan is currently broke after buying Nephi for a million coins he was left with no money as result he was compelled to turn away from the Transportation Carriage that would have taken them to the market and so they are now forced to walk to the city during which zagon wonders if he should have just attacked the carriage and taken some money but seeing his nephew is with him he decides not to show her these ugly sights therefore they begin walking as they continue forward however they suddenly hear noises coming from a distance upon inspection it is revealed that the carriage which denied them passage due to their lack of funds is being attacked by a group of Bandits these thugs begin their Rampage and start to kidnap the young girls seeing them nephe becomes frightened prompting.

  • Zagen to think that maybe she was also captured in a similar manner therefore he decides to attack wanting to demonstrate to nephe how weak these Bandits are he uses his magic and Superior physical abilities to defeat these lowlifes all of a sudden a mage hired by the group appears getting orders to attack the Mage begins to draw a Sigil also known as a magic circle to cast his spells although zagan is impressed by his opponent's technique he also has to protect.

  •  Nephi consequently he uses his magic to overpower the sigil crafted by the Mage and ends up killing the Caster upon seeing this the bandits lose their fighting Spirit the passengers of the carriage begin to thank zagon profusely for saving them moreover the driver offers zangan to act as their bodyguard for the rest of the trip and so now having money to buy stuff they begin their Journey to the city on the way Nephi asks why her master saved these people zag him feeling embarrassed to admit that it was for nephew's sake.

  • However he immediately regrets his words while Nephi understands the kindness within his heart and so the duo finally reaches the market once there zagen wonders what else he should buy that would be necessary for a Girl Like nephian decides to ask her but this elf who never knows if she will live to see the next day is completely fine with anything and everything.

  • She has given as a result they are forced to enter a fashion shop but a mage like zagen feels very unwelcome there despite the prejudice against him he tells the shop attendant Manuela to find some appropriate clothes for Nephi and brings her forward seeing this adorable elf Manuela can't contain herself and immediately begins to find something that would suit her moreover she also notices the slave collar on her neck anyway they both soon emerge from the changing closet to show zag and Nephi's new appearance consequently zagen looks up to see a bright red nephew wearing revealing bondage clothing showing all her assets moreover Nephi is extremely embarrassed about wearing these sorts of clothes making her look even more adorable and seeing this zagon orders Manuela to find her some normal everyday clothes and so she hooks them up with a maid costume.

  •  which is approved by both zagon and Nephi the next order of business is to head towards a blacksmith where zagen wants to get her collar taken off however the blacksmith explains that her collar is a magic tool and it is possible that it is riddled with traps and so unable to achieve their objective they decide to grab a bite to eat there it is revealed that Nephi has never eaten in such a lively place before and they both enjoy their meal together.

  • Moreover they also feed each other promoting the others present at the restaurant to watch and wholeheartedly laugh at them as such they both leave the restaurant embarrassed unable to meet each other's Gates on the other hand the girl zag and saved in chapter 1 is revealed to be the maiden of the Holy sword and a Holy Night Captain named chasteel she is sitting depressed after losing four of her Knights when a holy priest appears next to her there she expresses her concerns about being unfit as a captain but the priest.

  •  Cleveland consoles her in addition he also orders chasteel to find and exterminate zagon who has been accused of kidnapping several young women although she tries to defend zagon At first she has no choice but to comply with the priest's command one night zagon dreams about his past and recalls some unpleasant memories where he was used as a guinea pig for a certain Mage however this nightmare is broken when he wakes up to nephe's Voice who has been gazing at his face as he slept she informs him that breakfast is ready upon seeing him wake up that morning zagen is also finally able to properly greet her for the first time making him happy and so they both head towards the dining hall which is now unrecognizable after nephe spent time cleaning it in addition she has baked bread for zagan upon seeing this zagen Praises her for making this delicious looking meal all on her own and this compliment makes her delighted.

  •  she unknowingly starts to Flap her adorable ears however as soon as he sits down to eat zagen notices that Nephi is not sitting with him rather she is serving upon asking she explains that she forgot to cook her own portion but zagan claims that it shouldn't be a problem if they both split the meal however Nephi also adds that there is only one chair prepared for her master leaving her with no place to sit but zagan also adds that this is not a problem inviting her to come to sit on his lap nonetheless upon paying attention to the words he has uttered both zagon and nephew become embarrassed.

  • Nephi trying to act unfazed states that she could never do something so rude however upon her master's insistence she does as she is commanded as a result the couple begins their meal where they both feed each other after breakfast zagon heads over to his library and is seen researching magic there Nephi reveals that she doesn't much about magic and zagen tries to explain the symbols and their meanings to her he notices that she has a good sense for it despite being unable to use it moreover after his explanation Sagan notices that Nephi looks somewhat happy he learns that this is because she has never had a master who would talk to her like this before all of a sudden she then asks a hard-hitting question asking what he wants to do after obtaining the power he seeks.

  • This results in him revealing his backstory telling her about how he used to steal to survive as a child in addition one day he was caught by a Mage and subjected to experimentation it was during this time that he realized he would need power in order to survive in this cruel world all of a sudden zagan senses that Intruders have entered.

Now, What happends ??  Wait for the Next Episode!😀


story (8.5/10 )

Art (9/10 )

characters (8.5/10)

overall (9/10 )

The title is what caught my attention initially!

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